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Chester Taylor Elementary X

School Supplies 22-23
Check out the school supplies for 2022-2023 Prek List Kindergarten list First Grade List Second Grade List Third Grade List Fourth Grade List Fifth Grade List
Immunizations for Students School – Year 22-23
Read more about the immunizations needed for students in grades K-12.

Become a Volunteer at Chester Taylor Elementary
We are welcoming volunteers back into our schools this year! If you would like to volunteer in any capacity this year please click the below link. You will have to be approved prior to volunteering. Apply to be a volunteer at Chester Taylor Elementary today....
Opt in for SMS alerts
Parents and Guardians, Communication between parents/guardians and schools is vitally important. In order for school information to reach you quickly, we ask that you take 20 seconds to opt in to our SMS (text) messaging platform, SchoolMessenger. You can participate...
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
We will be hosting the 5th grade moving on ceremony live via YouTube. Flyers went home our families of 5th graders last week, however we wanted to send out a reminder. Due to limited attendance, we want to make sure everyone had a chance to watch these awesome 5th...
2020/2021 Yearbooks are HERE!
Yearbooks are in!!! If you ordered one for your child he/she will receive them today. Yearbooks are still available for purchase. The cost is $15. Cash or check payable to CWTES. Families can also order online through the same system used to pay school...